Shifting Your Mindset to Create Your Best Life with Gabriel Sedlak

John Carter - Radio Webflow Template
George Wright III
February 20, 2025
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Shifting Your Mindset to Create Your Best Life with Gabriel Sedlak

Welcome back to The Daily Mastermind. George Wright III here with your daily dose of inspiration, motivation, and education. And I'm excited today because we're joined by a great guest, Gabriel Sedlak. How are you doing?

I'm well, sir. Thank you, George, for letting me jump on here. I am very honored.

You've done amazing work, inspired a multitude, and it's nice to be amongst them.

I love it, man. You've got a lot of things going on, and we’ve been able to align things up. For those of you tuning in for the first time, I think we're at episode 1,086. So we’ve done over a thousand episodes!

If you haven't already, make sure you hit that subscribe button so you don’t miss any. The goal here is to help you create your best life. And as I always say, it’s never too late to start living the life you were meant to live.

We've got a great guest for you today, so let me do a quick introduction.

Gabriel is a father, husband, entrepreneur, speaker, podcaster, trainer, and coach. He’s done it all. A few years ago, he published his book, Cut It Out: Getting Your Head Straight in Network Marketing. With over 30 years of experience in networking, he has faced struggles, setbacks, and victories that serve as a testament to perseverance, self-mastery, and relentless pursuit.

Today, we’re diving into his journey—mental shifts, breaking through self-doubt, and overcoming obstacles. So if that’s okay with you, Gabriel, let’s get right into it.

Let's do it.



Gabriel’s Early Life and Challenges

Just so people can get to know you a little bit more, let’s start with your journey. You’ve spent nearly 30 years in networking. Take us back to the beginning. What drew you into the industry? And what really drives you as an entrepreneur? Give us some background.

Yeah, thank you for that. Growing up, it’s amazing how crises can steer you. They either break people or make people.


And so growing up, my father was much older than my mother. Back in the early ‘70s, they had the big swine flu outbreak.

He got the shot, and I think I was two or three years old when he developed Guillain-Barré syndrome. My mother jumped up, ran into the living room, and there he was—on the couch, suffocating. The ambulance came and from that moment on, my life revolved around hospitals and nursing homes.

For seven years—from age two to nine—it was suction machines, emergency phone calls, and my father enduring 16 operations. He was paralyzed from the waist down, his voice destroyed, unable to eat normal food. My image of a father figure—of a leader—was completely different from most.


Now, in the background, my dad was a world leader. He was imprisoned in Auschwitz for six years—three of them in solitary confinement—because he refused to turn in his fellow prisoners or deny his belief in Christ.


He wasn’t Jewish, but he had a tremendous amount of influence. He was the youngest member in the history of the Czech Parliament, spoke seven languages, and changed lives. He evaded Panzer tank divisions and rescued children across the border. I still have boxes full of his documents and letters in Czech.

As a little kid, he was my hero. But there he was—paralyzed in a hospital bed.

So, in my young mind, I processed that all greatness ended in futility. I could strive, succeed, reach the top of my game, do something amazing… but deep down, I created an internal self-sabotage mechanism. Every time I got to the point of breakthrough, I would unconsciously do something to destroy it. I didn’t even realize I was doing it. It became a pattern—because I didn’t believe anything good would last.


So my life was like this roller coaster. Here I am, right?


First Encounter with Network Marketing

I was 18, 19 years old. A couple of mentors from church spoke into my life, but my first real introduction to network marketing happened when a friend invited me to a meeting.

A lady in Atlanta flew in on a pink jet to Peachtree DeKalb Airport. The company was called Rosemary, and we all sat in the back of a Denny’s. Remember when you could sit in the back of Denny’s all night, drinking coffee for 12 straight hours?

Oh yeah.

Yeah, we would do that. Then came Barley Green, and finally, right when I turned 18, I jumped into AL Williams Prime America.

At that time, I got my insurance license and was planning to go for my Series 6. Funny story—I had this giant head of curly hair, and they used to call me Cream of Wheat, not Buckwheat. I drove a‘67 Le Mans convertible, led meetings, and thought I was cool. But when people met me in person, they’d go, "This is the guy I talked to on the phone?"

That’s hilarious.

But the moment that really shifted my life? I was in a room, getting my feet wet in network marketing, when this man walked in with his family. His last name was Vigilante.

He was a godly man. His wife walked in beside him, holding onto him in a way I had never seen before. The way she looked at him. The way their kids interacted with him. It imprinted something on me. It was stability—something I had never seen in my life.


He said, "Hey guys, we're here. We're about to head to the islands. But if you need anything, I’m here for you."

I watched them interact, and it hit me. I was raised in Buckhead, Atlanta, where success meant driving a Mercedes by age five and working for IBM or Coca-Cola. Six figures a year was the dream.

But this man? He had fruit in his life that I had never seen. Clear eyes, a peaceful wife, kids who loved and respected him.

And in that moment, I believe it was the beginning of my healing journey from being a self-saboteur.

That’s powerful.

It all started because I saw a successful man walk in—free from the noise, truly living his life. That was a massive wake-up call for me.

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The Importance of Positive Influences

It’s interesting you say that because, on one hand, you’ve gone through a list of challenges, obstacles, and struggles, but you said it in such a simple, happy way that it almost makes it sound easy. And we know that wasn’t the case. So I have to ask—what positive influences helped you along the way? What kept you going during all of that?

I think one of the biggest motivations was hating the alternative—continuing the struggle.

Number two, I never saw happy people who had that so-called "success." The ones with the big houses? They were all strapped financially, giving their families nothing but scraps of their time and energy.

But I think the biggest thing? God touched my life. I can’t and won’t deny that. That was the most pivotal moment. When God moves, He shows you things, and it breaks strongholds in your life that nothing else can.

And I was also blessed to have a few key people—men who saw value in me, spoke life into me, and actually cared enough to notice me.

Many people go their whole lives without ever having someone speak life into them.

What’s interesting is that nowadays, the most successful people I’ve known, much like yourself, actively seek that influence. If you don’t look for it, you won’t find it. But in today’s world, it’s a little easier to surround yourself with positivity—with access to the internet, mentors, and personal development.

That’s true. But there are pros and cons to that, which leads us into an important topic—mindset.


Mindset and Self-Worth in Entrepreneurship

Let’s dive into mindset because this is something you talk about a lot. You’ve worked with so many people over the years, and I know you’ve seen this play out. The battle entrepreneurs face is often in their minds—the roadblocks, the limiting beliefs. What do you think are some of the biggest mental obstacles holding people back? And how do you help them overcome that battle between their ears?

Great question. That’s why I mentioned self-sabotage earlier.

People have imprints in life—unconscious limits on how far they think they can go. Whether it’s a dollar figure, lifestyle, or personal goal, many people have these invisible ceilings.

Unless those internal watermarks are broken, that’s as far as they’ll ever go.

Another big one? People give to their own demise.

So many people would give the shirt off their backs, sacrifice for everyone else—but when it comes to receiving, they shut down. They struggle to do something for themselves.

I see this a lot with women. Nurturing and giving come naturally to them. I had a client—very successful—who would buy Louis Vuitton handbags as gifts for others but wouldn’t dare buy one for herself.


And it wasn’t about the bag. It was about her self-worth.

So what’s the shift that needs to happen? What do you say to someone like that?

It’s like a tattoo—you can’t just wash it off. You have to burn it away.

The first step is awareness.

What gets revealed gets healed.

Unless you acknowledge the issue, you can’t change it. We all have blind spots.

For self-worth issues, I tell people to start rewarding themselves. Even if it’s something small, like buying a wallet.

Every time you pull that wallet out, you remind yourself, "My labor produced this."

And over time, it builds—“I bought this jacket for myself. I bought this car for myself.” It’s not about material things. It’s about breaking that cycle of self-denial.


Overcoming Fear of Judgment

I love that. And let’s be real—one of the biggest things holding people back is fear of judgment. Whether it’s fear of failure, fear of criticism, or just worrying about what people think. What do you say to someone who is paralyzed by that fear?

First of all, the fact that it affects people so profoundly proves how badly we crave the opinions of others.


We do need validation and support. Healthy opinions matter. The key is finding the right opinions.

You’ve heard phrases like, “Other people’s opinions don’t pay your bills.” But here’s the reality—if someone’s opinion can derail your life, make sure they’re paying your bills 10years from now.


And when you realize that, you have to ask yourself: Why was my heart’s soil available for their words to take root?

That’s a whole other conversation.

That’s a powerful reframe. And I like what you said about finding your why. Clarity and focus drown out the noise. The more clear you are about your mission, the less you care about opinions.

Exactly. Obstacles don’t exist if you love big enough.

Imagine you’re sitting by the pool, drinking sweet tea. Your child is playing outside, and suddenly, a vicious dog runs toward them.

Do you sit there thinking, "Oh, it’s hot, I don’t have my shoe son, where should I put my drink?" No.

You scale the fence, sprint across the yard, and handle the situation without hesitation.

That’s what happens when you love something big enough—all the distractions disappear.

That’s a great analogy. And it really does come down to focus. If you’re dialed in on your purpose, you’re too busy to care about opinions.

Exactly. The problem isn’t the seed. It’s the soil.

People aren’t broken. Their environment is.

I read about a study where scientists took a barren acre in the middle of a desert and irrigated it. Within weeks, plants started growing that hadn’t been seen in over a thousand years.

The seed wasn’t the problem. The soil was.

If you’re struggling, change your environment. Surround yourself with people who speak life into you.


Practical Steps for Change

That’s such an important take away. So, for someone reading this thinking, "I’m stuck. I want to change my life." What are some practical steps they can take?

I always start with social media.

I ask people to show me their profiles. If it’s full of negativity, political rants, or nonsense—guess what? That’s repelling opportunities.

If you want to change your life, start by assessing where you are.

Yeah, because people don’t realize that their external world reflects their internal state.

Correct. Second, audit your relationships.

Who are the five people you spend the most time with? Are they uplifting or draining you?

If your environment is toxic, you need to remove yourself from it—at least temporarily.

And that’s why the networking space has been powerful for so many people. It forces positive association and growth.

Exactly. Change your friends, and you change your life.


The Power of Environment

You made a great point earlier—sometimes, people think they know what’s holding them back, but they’re not looking in the right place. They’re focusing on external factors instead of the internal game.

Exactly. It’s not about chasing success. It’s about becoming the type of person who attracts success.

Think about it—if a tree isn’t producing fruit, the problem isn’t the seed. It’s the soil. You have to change the environment.

I’ve seen people with so much potential get stuck in toxic relationships, bad habits, and negative self-talk. And they wonder why they can’t break through.

Yeah, and I think people underestimate how much their environment impacts their mindset. If you surround yourself with small thinkers, you’ll stay small. If you surround yourself with high achievers, you start thinking bigger.

100%. The problem isn’t what’s in you. The problem is where you are planted.


Overcoming Fear of Judgment

Another big thing people struggle with—especially in today’s world of social media—is the fear of judgment. People are so afraid of what others will think. How do you help someone break free from that?

First, we have to acknowledge that we all crave approval.

If you’re deeply affected by other people’s opinions, that means their words have power over you. And that’s a problem.

But here’s the thing—no one’s opinion should have more power over your life than your own convictions.

I tell people this: If someone’s opinion is strong enough to knock you off course, make sure they’re paying your bills ten years from now.

That’s a strong reframe. And it’s true—most of the people whose opinions we worry about aren’t even invested in our success.

Exactly. And if their words can paralyze you, that means your "why" isn’t big enough.

People say, “You need a why that makes you cry.” No.

You need a why that makes you take action.

Look at your family. Look at your future. If you’re letting someone else’s opinion hold you back, you need to reevaluate what matters most.


Final Words of Encouragement

This has been an incredible conversation. Before we wrap up, what’s one final piece of advice you’d give to someone reading this who feels stuck?

I want you to know—there’s hope.

Whether you’re a millionaire looking for more meaning, someone who hasn’t made their first sale, or a person entering a new chapter of life, you are not mean to live the same day over and over again.

Life isn’t about just getting by. You were created for something greater.

Miles Munroe said, “The purpose of a thing is in the mind of the maker of a thing. And unless a thing is used for the purpose its maker intended, abuse is inevitable.”

You were created for a purpose. Success is possible.

And if you’ve hit a wall, I promise you—you can break through.

I love that. And sometimes, people just need to hear it.

That’s right. If you’re reading this, know that you are capable of more than you think. And I haven’t even shared a tenth of my story.

If I can do it, so can you.

That’s an incredible message. Gabriel, where can people connect with you if they want to learn more?

You can find me on Facebook at Sedlak and YouTube at Gabriel Sedlak Official. I’ve got a mix of motivational content, car stuff, and fun things—I’m still figuring out what I want to be when I grow upon YouTube! But yeah, DM me. That’s the best way to connect.

I love it. I’ll put your links in the show notes so people can check them out. And if you’re reading this, I highly encourage you to reach out and connect. Surround yourself with the right people. Gabriel, I appreciate you sharing your wisdom today.

Thanks for having me, George.

And for everyone reading—if you got value from this, share it with someone who needs to hear it. Let us know what you’re working on and how we can support you. That’s why we have The Daily Mastermind. Keep growing, keep pushing forward, and we’ll see you in the next one!


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About Gabriel Sedlak:

Gabriel is a father, husband, entrepreneur, speaker, podcaster, trainer, coach Author of Cut It Out: Getting Your Head Straight in Network Marketing. With nearly 30 years of experience in network marketing, Gabriel has faced it all—the struggles, the setbacks, and the victories. His journey is a testament to perseverance, self-mastery, and the relentless pursuit of success. In his book, he shares the powerful mental shifts needed to break through self-doubt, overcome obstacles, and claim the success that’s waiting on the other side.

Connect with Gabriel:

Gabriel and Holley Sedlak Linktree > HERE

YouTube Channel > HERE

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George Wright III
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25 + years mentoring in Mindset, Money, and Business.