Being present isn’t just a mindset—it’s a practice. In The Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle teaches us how to become silent observers of our thoughts, let go of psychological time, and shift our focus to what truly matters. In Part 2 of our series, we’ll explore practical ways to access the power of the present moment and free ourselves from stress and overwhelm.
Alright, welcome back to The Daily Mastermind. My name is George Wright III, and this is your Daily Dose of Inspiration, Motivation, and Education.
Today is Day 2, Part 2 of a three-part series I’m doing on a book that I absolutely love—The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. I’ve read this book before, but I keep coming back to it because the insights are so powerful. There’s one particular chapter I want to focus on today—Moving Deeply into the Now—because the more present you can become, the better results you’re going to get in life.
Yesterday, we talked about a few fundamental concepts from this chapter:
● You are not your mind.
○ The mind is constantly creating problems, but those problems can’t be solved by the mind itself. Instead, you have to shift your focus to the present moment.
● End the delusion of time.
○ The mind is tied to time—constantly replaying the past or worrying about the future. The key is to break free from this by being fully present in the now.
● Nothing exists outside the present moment.
○ Most of us are stuck in the pastor the future. We’re not executing in the present, which is the only place where results actually happen.
This is why today’s topic is so important—we’re going to dive into how to access the power of now and truly make it part of your daily life.
Today, I want to shift into a few more key ideas from this same chapter—Moving Deeply into the Now.
The first concept is accessing the power of the now. This is where strategy comes in.
Eckhart Tolle emphasizes that you need to make a practice of disconnecting from the past and the future.
Think about it—most of us spend 99.9% of our time either:
● Thinking about the past(regretting, reminiscing, or identifying with old stories)
● Worrying about the future (stress, anxiety, overplanning, or anticipating problems)
This is why mindfulness and meditation are so powerful—they pull you back in to the present moment.
I personally use a couple of different meditation apps:
● Waking Up by Sam Harris
● Calm Meditation App
There are also great alternatives like Headspace and many others. Whether you prefer guided or unguided meditation, the goal is the same: create mindfulness.
Mindfulness is simply being aware of the present moment—what’s happening around you and within you.
When you start making this a daily practice, you’ll notice something:
● Most of your problems, worries, fears, and negative emotions are tied to the past or the future.
● In the exact present moment, those problems usually don’t exist.
Even when something difficult happens, the moment itself passes quickly—yet we hold onto it and replay it in our minds.
This is why it’s so important to observe your mind. Start noticing when your thoughts drift to the past or future.
Make it a habit.
When you do this, you’ll experience quantum leaps in your ability to create results.
A crucial concept from The Power of Now is becoming the watcher of your mind.
This means observing your thoughts without judgment.
Too often, when we notice our mind drifting to the past or future, we criticize ourselves:
● “Why do I keep overthinking?”
● “Why can’t I stop worrying?”
● “I shouldn’t be feeling this way.”
But here’s the key—don’t make it a problem.
Eckhart Tolle says:
"Intense presence is needed when certain situations trigger you—when your self-image is threatened, when fear arises, or when something from the past resurfaces. In those moments, most people become unconscious. They react automatically, get defensive, say things they regret, or attack others. But that’s not really them—it’s just a survival pattern of the mind."
The mind is used to reacting a certain way.
So instead of criticizing yourself when this happens, just observe it.
● Don’t get emotionally wrapped up in the thought.
● Don’t give it energy by resisting it.
● Just watch it, like an outsider looking in.
Because what you focus on grows. If you fight your thoughts, you give them more power. But if you simply observe them, they lose their grip on you.
Tolle explains it this way:
● Identifying with your mind creates more time.(The more you overthink, the more stuck you feel.)
● Observing your mind creates timelessness. (You free yourself from the trap of the past and future.)
The simple act of observing your thoughts without resistance is what empowers you.
Another powerful idea in this chapter is the difference between psychological time and clock time.
We all use clock time—we have schedules, deadlines, and responsibilities. That’s normal.
But psychological time is different. It’s when the mind gets stuck in past emotions or future worries.
Eckhart Tolle puts it this way:
● If you make a mistake and learn from it, you’re using clock time.
● If you make a mistake and dwell on it, replay it, and feel guilty, you’re trapped in psychological time.
See the difference?
● Clock time is productive. You set goals and move forward.
● Psychological time creates paralysis—it keeps you in the past.
The same goes for future thinking:
● If you set a goal and work toward it, that’s clock time.
● If you obsess over a goal and constantly stress about “getting there,” that’s psychological time.
The goal is to let go of psychological time while still using clock time effectively.
When you do this, you stop living in your past failures or future anxieties—and you start fully living in the now.
Tomorrow’s problems don’t exist yet. Yesterday’s regrets are already gone. So why do we let them control our present?
This is one of the biggest takeaways from The Power of Now.
Most negativity, suffering, stress, and fear are rooted in time—either the past or the future.
● If you’re feeling regret, guilt, or resentment, you’re living in the past.
● If you’re stressed, anxious, or overwhelmed, you’re living in the future.
But here’s the secret—in this exact present moment, those emotions don’t actually exist.
Think about it:
● Right now, are you actually experiencing that regret from three years ago? No, your mind is just replaying it.
● Are you actually failing in the future? No, your mind is just anticipating it.
The more you dwell on the past or future, the more power you give those emotions.
Eckhart Tolle teaches that negative emotions only have power when we identify with them.
Here’s what that means:
● Instead of saying, “I am stressed,” say, “I notice that stress is present.”
● Instead of “I am angry,” say, “I feel anger right now.”
● Have you ever been upset about something and then, a few hours later, completely forgot about it?
● Emotions pass if we don’t hold onto them.
● Ask yourself:
■ What in this exact moment is wrong?
■ Is this thought real, or is my mind creating a problem?
Most of the time, you’ll realize there is nothing actually wrong in the present moment.
This is why mindfulness, meditation, and breathwork are powerful tools—they snap you out of past and future thinking and back into the now.
Eckhart Tolle makes a powerful distinction:
● Most people live their situation instead of living their life.
● Living your situation = letting circumstances define your happiness.
● Living your life = choosing to be present and empowered regardless of circumstances.
Too often, we tell ourselves:
● “I’ll be happy when I have more money.”
● “I’ll be less stressed when this problem is solved.”
● “I can’t be successful because of my current situation.”
But here’s the truth—your situation is always changing. If you tie your happiness, success, or confidence to external circumstances, you’ll always be chasing something.
Instead, learn to be present and empowered no matter what’s happening around you.
You don’t need better circumstances—you need a better relationship with the present moment.
One of the most valuable takeaways from The Power of Now is that results don’t come from thinking, worrying, or overanalyzing.
They come from being fully engaged in the present moment.
○ Success doesn’t come from waiting, preparing, or planning—it comes from doing.
○ Action happens now, not in the future.
○ Whether it’s work, a conversation, or a workout—be completely present.
○ Distractions, stress, and self-doubt disappear when you’re fully engaged.
○ When you’re too focused on results, you miss the process.
○ The irony? When you let go of expectations, you often perform better.
○ Everything you need to succeed is already within you.
○ The only thing standing in the way is your attachment to past failures or future worries.
When you learn to fully operate in the now, you eliminate resistance, and success flows naturally.
Tomorrow, we’re going to wrap up this series by talking about:
● How to eliminate suffering by mastering the present.
● How to live free from the constant need for validation.
● How to build a success mindset that thrives in the now.
This is powerful stuff, and I can’t wait to dive into it with you.
I’d love to hear your thoughts—does this resonate with you?
Message me on Facebook or Instagram (@TheDailyMastermind) and let me know what’s clicking for you.
I appreciate you being here. Keep pushing forward, stay present, and I’ll see you in the next episode.
This is George Wright III, and this has been The Daily Mastermind. Have a great day!
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