Do you ever feel like the day slips away before you’ve accomplished what truly matters? Time is our most valuable asset, yet it often feels like there’s never enough of it. In this guide, you'll learn practical strategies to take control of your schedule, boost productivity, and make the most of every moment.
Welcome back to The Daily Mastermind! My name is George Wright III, and I am your host. Today, we’re going to get really practical. I want to give you some tips and strategies on how to get more time in your day. These are ways to help you become more productive.
Here’s what I was thinking the other day—I’ve heard this comment a lot:
Have you ever felt overwhelmed with your day? Do you ever feel like the day got away from you? Maybe you were busy running errands, working on your business, responding to emails, taking care of the kids, handling relationships, and before you knew it, the day was gone.
Have you noticed how quickly this year has gone by? Do you ever feel like time is passing, and you don’t even realize where it went? More importantly, do you feel like you didn’t really accomplish anything meaningful—at least not the goals that matter most to you?
I think we’ve all felt this way. I certainly have. It’s just part of navigating this busy, fast-paced life.
Today, I want to talk about how to become more productive and intentional with your time. When I consult and mentor individuals and companies, one of the biggest obstacles they face is time management—finding the time to work on what truly matters.
And let’s be honest, this is one of the biggest challenges most people have. If you continue going through life without managing your time effectively, you’ll look back with regret. You’ll realize that you didn’t achieve your goals, dreams, or desires because you weren’t intentional with your time.
First and foremost, I want you to listen closely:
👉 Your time is your greatest asset.
We often focus on money, business, and relationships, but time is the great equalizer—we all get the same amount of it.
Whether you believe it or not, you control where you spend your time.
You can waste it, spend it, or let it slip away. OR—you can choose to invest it in things that create value and rewards. You can invest your time in:
But until you realize, accept, and decide that time has value, you won’t prioritize it. You’ll continue to waste it.
Just like money, you need to budget your time. You’ve probably heard me say this before:
What you focus on grows.
When you don’t value your time, it gets wasted. You end up at the end of the day wondering, Where did all my time go?
Think of your time like your bank account. If you don’t track your spending, money disappears. The same happens with time. If you don’t track and budget your time, it vanishes.
So, starting today, let’s prioritize, track, and value our time. When you begin treating time as your most valuable asset, it will start working in your favor—just like money does when you invest it wisely.
The second key takeaway is this: You have to be intentional with your time.
You need to make specific, conscious decisions about:
✅ When you spend your time
✅ Where you spend your time
✅ What you spend your time on
This sounds simple, but most people don’t do it.
You have to protect your time like it’s your last few dollars in your bank account. Ask yourself:
👉 How am I going to spend my time today to create the best return for my best life?
Now, I know what some of you are thinking:
"George, it’s easy for you to say—you have your own business, you control your schedule, and you have free time."
That may be true now, but it wasn’t always this way.
Free time is not a luxury—it’s a result.
My flexible schedule is the result of managing my time, working hard, and creating a return of more time through intentional choices.
Think about this: Sometimes, the best return on your time is more time—but that only happens when you manage it wisely.
You can’t just go through each day reacting to life and expect to magically have more free time.
Life is a trap—if you don’t control your time, it will control you.
You need to break free from the mindset that you don’t have enough time. That thinking is what’s keeping you stuck. You have 24 hours each day. You probably sleep for about a third of that time—unless lack of sleep is your issue, too!
Tony Robbins says everything in life and productivity comes down to two things:
And the truth is, it really all comes down to resourcefulness. If you become more resourceful, you’ll find more time and money—I truly believe that.
So, what have you got to lose?
It’s time to take back control of your schedule and start living your best life.
Let’s get into practical strategies you can use to create more time in your day:
🔹 Set Clear Goals – Goals give you something to aim for and help you structure your time around what matters most.
🔹 Schedule Your Time – Use a planner, a Google Calendar, or some form of time management tool. If you don’t schedule your time, you’ll waste it—just like money without a budget.
🔹 Prioritize Activities – Start each day and week with your biggest priorities first. Focus on the tasks that truly move the needle forward.
🔹 Set Time Limits – Don’t let meetings, calls, or tasks drag on indefinitely. Set strict time limits in advance.
🔹 Take Breaks – One of the best ways to boost productivity is to schedule breaks between tasks. It prevents burnout and keeps you sharp.
🔹 Be Intentional Before Starting Tasks – Set a clear intention before starting any activity. This simple mindset shift can help you complete tasks in a fraction of the time.
🔹 Get Organized – Clutter and disorganization slow you down. When you simplify and streamline your life, you free up more time.
🔹 Delegate or Eliminate Tasks – If something doesn’t align with your goals, outsource it or stop doing it.
🔹 Plan Your Schedule in Advance – Successful people don’t wake up and wonder what to do each day. They already have their week planned out.
🔹 Avoid Morning Distractions – Don’t wake up and check your phone first thing in the morning. Give yourself 30-60 minutes before looking at emails or social media.
🔹 Monitor Your Screen Time – Check your phone settings to see how much time you’re wasting on apps and social media. It will blow your mind!
🔹 Optimize Your Evening Routine – Wind down properly before bed so you get quality sleep, which boosts your productivity the next day.
These strategies will help you manage your time better, reduce stress, and create more opportunities. When you value your time and treat it as an asset, everything improves—your business, relationships, health, and income.
So, start today. Take control of your time, and start living your best life.
Thank you for listening! If you found this helpful, share it with someone who needs it.
I appreciate you.
This has been The Daily Mastermind, and I’m George Wright III. Have a great day!
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