May 14

Your Time is a Choice

I’m back…Excited to talk with you today about Your Time
Your Time is a Choice
Quote of the day:  He who knows he has enough is rich….Loa-tzu
I have always had mixed emotions about this quote because I felt it meant to settle
But the more I contemplate this quote, the more I understand it
It’s been said that the secret to Happiness is not “having what you want” but “wanting what you have”.
I believe that if we enter a constant state (as ed mylett would say) of Blissful Dissatisfaction, then we are not content with our current state…we are happy and grateful for what we have while simultaneously pursuing a better version of our selves and a better life. I dont mean better as in more money, fame, recognition, etc (although you may have as much of tha you as desire in life too).  I mean having a better life of happiness, fulfillment, helping others, and yes success and prosperity.
Anyway…more to these quotes than lies on the surface if you will think about them each day.
So, Today’s topic is on Time….
We talk a lot about wealth, but sometime we forget that our Time is the Greatest Asset we have.
We forget that regardless of how much money, talent or opportunity you have, we all have 24 hours in a day.  It is how you spend your asset of time that matters the most.
How are you spending your TIME? Are you investing your time or are you spending it on dumb stuff?
Are you taking your “free time” and wasting it on “rest, netflix, catching up on sleep, and other thing that rob you of the dreams you have in life?
Remember the quote a few days ago..”laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired”…I think we convince ourselves (program ourselves) to think we need rest when what we really need is to achieve Growth, our Dreams, and Fulfill our Purpose…
Time is the great equalizer in the world of Success, Prosperity and Happiness.
We all have the same 24 hours in a day.
But, George….
-I have job or two or three that take my whole day
-I have kids, family and responsibilities others dont have
-I wasn’t given the same environment, opportunities, and things others have
-I am not as skilled or talented as the next person
Excuse, Excuse, Excuse….Yes, there are some people and situations that are different or have a bit of an advantage, but how You view your circumstances determines your outcome.
Wayne Dyer says, “when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change
I believe this no doubt
So, you can either choose to believe that you are overwhelmed, overloaded, stressed and under the gun or you can choose to accept your situation and level up
I listen to Lisa Nichols give a great speech last week about time and she stated some numbers that I think you might benefit from thinking about
We all have 24 hours in a day 7 days a week to start each week with
That is 168 hours…168 hours…think about that.
Start from solution not the problem.
Don’t start with, “I have a couple hours after I get home from work or only time on the weekend”.
Start from the source of your assets
If you work a 40 hour job and you sleep 8 hours a night (56), that is 96 hours total
What are you doing with the other 72 hours per week?  think about that….
What are you doing with the other 8-10 hours per day??
Sure there are kids, second jobs, and many other true priorities in life
so lets deduct 4 hours a day for family and 4 hours a day for your side hustle and/or 2nd job
That still leaves a couple hours a day…
Do your realize how much you could do with an extra 1 hour per day put toward your Goal and Dreams…???
But where do most of us spend our time:
-facebook and instagram
-tick tock
-surfing the web
-online shopping
*when was the last time you looked at your screen time?  look at it….Let’s discuss this
How about TV?  How much do you watch Netflix or On Demand TV….?
-we even convince ourselves that we are being more productive by now watching commercials..
-seriously…do you realize that you are putting your Dreams, Goals, Talents on hold for nothing but short term relaxation…?
I want to draw something to your attention that you may have not considered
In addition to wasting time, you are also allowing your subconscious mind to be Programmed..
That’s right, you think you are not spending time working on YOU, but you actually ARE.
The problem is that you are Programming YOU to move further from your goals and dreams..
You are Programming YOU to become more fearful, more dependent, more anxious, more stressed
MORE Bought into the Story that is being told around you…Think about that for a moment
Our thoughts create our life.  
Our thoughts drive the feelings and emotions and actions that we do.
Our thoughts and feelings and actions create our experience which engrains our beliefs
You are ALLOWING your spare time to Involuntarily be Programmed to work against you
…or should I say you are Voluntarily allowing yourself to Give up on Your Goals and Dreams (sub).
I believe this
We all have TIME to spend.  We all have the CHOICE to spend our time wisely and in the pursuit of a worthwhile goal of some kind
I encourage you to use your time for productive endeavors.
I encourage you to use your time to experience life.
I encourage you to use your time to create the BEST versions of yourself.
Stop being selfish with your time and spending it on yourself.  Give it in service to others.
The beautiful thing about this concept is that you can share your time and talents in the service to others and get PAID along the way (in money or other things).  You can create an amazing life if you will just spend your time wisely
Last thought…learn to understand the power of compounding your time just like your money.
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