I hope you’ve had an Amazing Week.Â
Today I want to talk to you about how we can lay a foundation for really influencing your Subconscious mind and Creating Massive Changes in Your Life. It will also set up the discussion I want to have regarding developing and using an Alter Ego to Impact Your Success at a High High level.
Quote of the DayYou don’t need to get rid of any part of yourself to love yourself…Dr John Demartini
My podcast Notes: Important to first lay a foundation….-thoughts create your life-where do your thoughts come from?-why do some thoughts work and others dont?-example affirmations (whole life)…why dont they work…your belief?? Simon Sinek (Start with Why) is where I learned about what drives Human Behavior-function of the brain (Limbic/NeoCortex)…Emotions/Feelings vs Logic…-what truly drives behavior is feeling-example when you buy with “gut feeling“-example Memories strongest are ones attached to strongest feelings *Because Your BRAIN which is the processing center to EXECUTE in your life…..you need to understand that this drives your results Back to Inner World creates Outer World….Thoughts create life So how do we TRULY AFFECT OUR THOUGHTS AND INNER WORLD… THE KEY is through FEELINGS & EMOTIONS….Robbins, Stuberg, many othersnote…also why thoughts can affect you negatively TODAY…before jumping into Alter Egos, i came across a simple short book Book written in 1944 by Neville Goddard, Feeling is the Secret-you’ve heard of the secret and the law of attraction, but this is not the whole pic the Key to Creating Your Outer World is to understand more about how your Inner World operates so you can Influence and Create Your Inner World First… This book gave me amazing insights and I think it will for you too. …it discusses how ONLY Your Feelings are what influence your Subconscious What I am going to do is read from the simple Chapter 1 of this book to explain my points I’ve learned… I hope you enjoy.  Thanks for listening today… George Wright III