March 18

You Are Not Your Past, But You Are Your Future

The world could use more compassion and concern for others right now.
Ironically, this is probably the best strategy you could have to create the best version of yourself and also eliminate negative, scarcity thinking. I have always found that when I stop thinking about my own misfortunes or problems and focus on service and compassion for others, my life always changes in an amazing way.
Today, I want to talk to you about Learning to Change Your Perspective on yourself. Lets face it, if you can’t change the way you see yourself, then you will never shift into an optimal state of abundance thinking. I’m referring to the “stories” we all tell ourselves about who we are, how we act, and most importantly how we see ourselves in the mirror. Tony Robbins and many other thought leaders have talked about changing your limiting beliefs and self image in order to restore confidence, motivation and passion into your life. But, it always starts with changing the view you have of yourself.
I have personally found many people suffering lately from either a low self image or a distorted version of who they “think” they are. I cannot emphasize enough how much this tends to limit and block the growth that you are so desperately trying to achieve in your life. In order to start having a more abundant mindset, you must start with how you see yourself and the perspective or filter you apply to your life. You’ve heard this saying before, but it bears mentioning right now…
You Are Not Your Past. Your Past Does NOT Define You.
I truly believe the most of us would agree with that statement. However, why do we continue to define ourselves with Limiting Believe about ourselves that erode the value and self worth that you truly deserve. Let me give you just a few examples. Have you caught yourself saying…
I always…
I never…
Thats just the way I am…
I’m bad at relationships.
That aways happens to me.
I wish I could just catch a break.
Why do things like that happen to me.
I could go on and on. But I want you to consider that sometimes we even “feel” or “believe” certain things about ourselves that limit us even if they are subconscious or not outwardly expressed. The bottom line is that if you don’t have UNSHAKABLE confidence then it’s likely you have some thoughts or feelings that are just not positive or healthy about yourself.
The reason I can say this is because I know (even without knowing some of you personally) that every single person reading or listening to this message has overcome massive obstacles, challenges and trials in their lives.
That is a FACT…
The reason I can say this is that you are here…alive…on this earth as a living breathing person. Do you realize how incredibly rare and unique and special that is? Also, you had to overcome a million challenges growing up. You had to learn to walk, talk, act, survive…and there was very little that anyone could do to literally make your mind and body do these things other than what YOU could do on your own. Of course, we had many people in our lives there to help us when we fell or pick us up when we stumbled. But, you have to recognize that all throughout your life you have overcome, adapted and triumphed in many many ways.
The real problem is that most often we dont see ourselves as triumphant, WINNERS in life. We just seem to recognize and point out our failures and how many times we fell down. As Rocky said in the movie we all know…
It’s not how many times we fall down in life that counts. It’s how many times we pick ourselves up and keep going on.
That is not just a really cool story, it is a universal truth. So, remember that you are not your past. I mean literally, you are not that 1 year old baby learning to walk. You are not that 2nd or 3rd grader learning to write your name or learn a language. You are not the person that got that first job and learned a skill.
You are not your past and you are not even that past version of yourself that you are thinking you are. So stop comparing, filtering and judging your life based on the past. You are not your past.
You are however the FUTURE, Improved version of yourself that you DESIRE to create.
You see the second principle I want to emphasize is that you MUST learn to Visualize, Accept and Challenge yourself to become the Best Version of You there can be. A key principle to learn is that you MUST start to filter and visualize yourself as the Future Version of yourself in order to truly create Growth, Success and Fulfillment in your life….and most importantly to become Abundant thinking.
Abundance is expecting something that you dont already (in the present) have in your life. The reason you can be abundant is that you are always evolving, growing and becoming better. You know this from experience. Right?! It’s been happening all your life. So, let’s start to get ahead of the curve and CREATE the version of yourself that you KNOW you will become. Are you getting the point I am trying to make… YEAH?
I want to suggest that when you stop viewing the past version of yourself and start visualizing and believing the future version of yourself…..miracles will begin to happen in your life. This act of visualizing yours best version of you will provide many benefits to you (at a minimum):
You will become more inspired to live that version.
You will become more motivated to do the work.
Your vision and goals will become more clear and vivid.
You will handle situations in a more abundant, positive way.
You wont hold yourself to a old standard but a NEW one.
You will eliminate the distractions, negativity and destruction of past thoughts of you.
You will be more patient with yourself and your learning.
You will recognize the growth and small wins more than the losses and failures.
And most importantly, you will begin to build unshakable confidence and higher self esteem.
Now, I know this whole thought today isn’t easy. If it were easy, it wouldn’t be hard…Listen to that statement again. If it were easy, it wouldn’t be hard. And don’t we want growth in our lives? Absolutely, so we want things to challenge us.
So I recommend you double down on your daily rituals. I recommend you implement affirmations and I Am statements that remind yourself daily of the best version of yourself that you know you are inside and are becoming each and every day. I know this is the way to create the life you were meant to live and I challenge you to do it.
That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. Have an Amazing day and thanks for listening.
George Wright III
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