April 8

Why Do We Procrastinate?

Monday we talked about What’s Driving Your Behavior… 
Today I want to talk to you about the topics of Pleasure or Pain?
…this is a topic that really helped me…and still work on to this day.
NOTE-Consumers in the Marketplace shifting to Pain…
So its very important to “UNDERSTAND HUMAN BEHAVIOR
…This will affect your business life
…More importantly it affects your personal life
Tony Robbins one of best teachers of this… 
He is known for topic of teaching how to use our Personal Power
Question:  What stops us from using our power?
Answer:  Human Behavior controlled by FEAR
Better put…..We want to avoid Pain, Rejection, Failure 
If you Dig Deeper we ultimately are DRIVEN by (2) PAIN or PLEASURE
We know what to do…
We know what we want…
Then why don’t we do it?
Why don’t we follow through?
What prevents you from taking action?
ANSWER…Two forces keep you from Your Goal….PAIN or PLEASURE
Let me give Examples:
Ladies…why do you put on makeup…pleasure or pain
Gentlemen…why are you afraid to approach a Woman…pain or pleasure
When we don’t take action (use power)…we procrastinate
Procrastination is the opposite of Taking Action
Why do we procrastinate?…pain or pleasure
We believe “not taking action” is we have less pain than pleasure
Ultimately the PAIN outweighs our PLEASURE
Key #1
You MUST learn how to control the two areas FOR RESULTS in life
…it will affect your ENTIRE life…You KNOW this
-diets or losing weight
*why do we eat bad foods….PLEASURE outweighs PAIN
-finishing your work project or homework
*why don’t we do these…Procrastination…PAIN outweigh PLEASURE
-sleeping in…pain or pleasure
-relationship, connecting….pain of rejection vs pleasure of connection
..every area of your life follows this pattern
*Avoiding PAIN is always HIGHER than Gaining PLEASURE…
KEY #2
We are wired to “avoid pain”…we will do anything to avoid it
we will do anything to avoid the pain of taking action or pleasure of associate
…this is the POWER OF DREAM BUILDING…more on that later
So…we need to learn to how our behavior is DRIVEN so we can change it
-does that make sense?
Identify What your Motivators or Demotivators or actual Drivers are
Identify Behavior patterns that are not in alignment with what you want…
…write them down specifically this week…
KEY #3
Major Factor Influencing these two Emotions:
Understand that your Beliefs…Experience…PAST creates your ultimate view, belief and reaction to these two things (pain and pleasure)
…relationship sabotage….still driven by pain and pleasure
…success ceiling at work or business…
…past failures in personal, business, relationships…
George, What is a Solution to this problem of Pain and Pleasure
Robbins says you need to learn to Recognize and Influence the Pain or Pleasure you connect to your Goals or Things you want in Life
Key #4
CREATE LEVERAGE with Pain or Pleasure
…more on this Friday, but I want to unpack a few more things
…we must “understand why” to really make change (awareness)
…then we can create the change and take control
NOTE: as a Marketer or Business Owner, you will increase your results when you learn to associate or influence the Pain or Pleasure People associate with your Product
Companies like Coke, Pepsi associate with Music Artists  
Asset Protection Company…Lawsuit, Taxes, Protection
Real Estate, Stock Investing, etc.
ROBERT STUBERG….principle…we need to learn to Make our Goals a MUST
How do we do this?
Proactively or Reactively
People that hit Rock Bottom have so much pain they Reactively
People that are Prosperity Driven Learn, Understand, Plan and Create
-working out or diet
-business hustle or grind
-relationship and connection
Learn to LINK
1-not taking action to More Pain 
2-taking action to crystal clear Pleasure (DREAM BUILDING) 
Robbins….Use Pain or Pleasure instead of Pain or Pleasure using YOU!!
Tomorrow I want to talk with you about Creating an Abundant Mindset
…this includes identifying Limiting Beliefs and Your Story…
Friday I will talk with you more about Creating a Peak State of Mind
Assignment:  For now, I encourage you to really identify, understand and document the behaviors and emotions driving your actions RIGHT NOW
Also look for an amazing interview I did with Scott Estill.
Have a Great Day
George Wright III
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