February 16

What to Do When Motivation Isn’t Enough

I had a powerful thought while working out today
i was listening to a david goggins video
goggins is literally the toughest guy I’ve ever heard of
…retired navy seal…only member of US Armed forces to complete
…Seal Training…US Army Ranger School…Air Force Tactical Controller Training
…ultra marathons….best selling author…on and on and on
I was listening to get a little more motivation and a kick in the butt
…been sleeping in a bit too much lately…benefits and downsides to being an entrepreneur 🙂
I’ve learned over the years we all have cycles of motivation in our life…ups and downs
times when you need motivation
times when you need “something more
we cycle through life our liv with different moods, circumstances, careers
the key is to recognize exactly where you are right now and what you need…
cause there is a distinct different in types of fuel from PD and fuel from Motivation
so, where are you right now?  what do you need to get you moving right now?
let’s discuss this and clarify a couple things when it comes to fuel
we ALL need different types of fuel at different stages of our life and biz…
and there is a difference between motivation, drive and purpose…but, we need all 3
but its also IMPORTANT to know the difference and when you need each type
it’s sorta like a rocket…3 stages of fuel to create lift off
-explain…initial, boost, cruising
So lets start with Motivation…
1-Motivation- 1st type of fuel that usually will come from “Outside You”
Goggins calls this the kindling…1 hour burn cause it doesnt last long but gets you started
comes from outside you most of the time
but all you need is a spark…music, video, coach, friend, external validation
what motivates you the best?
Now a word of CAUTION…stop trying change your entire life or business with motivation
too many of us try to reinvent ourselves with constant motivation
thats not the point of motivation…its to start the fire…its just to create a spark…
Thats why you sometimes hear thought leaders say motivation is CRAP
its not sustainable….its short term…BUT it does serve a purpose
…the purpose is to get you unstuck…to get you moving…to break your patterns…got it?
but remember, it wont last and it will go away and leave you feeling empty and tired
thats why you need to use that motivation (that Kindling) to fuel a much bigger log
…a log that is sustainable…a fuel that creates long term results…
…which brings us to the topic of developing Your DRIVE…
2-Drive- 2nd type of fuel that usually comes from “Inside You”
Goggins calls this the big log…10,000 hour burn
this is the log you cannot start with or you would choke out the fire…
this is the fuel that takes your motivation and turns it into obsession
this is where you need to go from outside to inside yourself to find your “Drive
you need the spark to light the BIG log, but then you need to nurture ur Drive
…nurture and big a strong Desire and Commitment to Drive your life & biz forward.
this is what will help you create more consistent energy each day
this is what will help you keep your MIND in check on a constant basis
this is what will keep you moving forward when your motivation goes away
to do this you need to create a vision bigger than your ability to feel comfortable
this DRIVE and this OBSESSION needs to come from outside your comfort zone
this is where your VISION and DREAMS come into play
One of my mentors would say, When the Dream is Big Enough the Facts don’t count.
if you can visualize and manifest your life, this is where your DRIVE starts to take you places
this is where your faith and endurance get tested, but where your biggest successes come
..this is where you start living the life you were truly meant to live…
so, get super clear on what you want your life to be like
what do you want your life to be like?
what do you want your relationships, finances, health, fitness, nutrition, lifestyle to be like?
get specific…get detailed…get CLEAR
stop waiting till you have a plan to develop the end goal
stop waiting till you can see the end of your journey to decide what the end will look like
and REMEMBER, you dont need to be totally clear on the path to start moving forward
you just need to be decisive and say yes and figure it out…but develop your VISION
become obsessed with that life…with that goal…with that vision
what does obsessed mean?…it means focus on it every day…prioritize it
be consistent…be relentless…be DRIVEN….DEVELOP YOUR “DRIVE
that 10,000 hour log will burn and burn…and consistency will ultimately make it a Habit
and Habits take you much further than the motivation alone…
Habits will take over when motivation fades away…you do this by…
developing daily rituals that you Decide and Commit to doing
and over time they will Drive you and you WILL become Driven
now talking about Motivation & Drive would not be complete without a discussion about
PURPOSE…I’ve seen too many people get far in their life and business only to question life
this leads us to the topic of Purpose…
3-Purpose- 3rd type of fuel that comes from focus on Others
ya see, you must have a Purpose to serving others or you will not find true fulfillment
Happiness, Fulfillment and true success will only come when you feel you are helping mankind
…this is why when i talk about UT we say in the service of others
With this type of fuel you will find the ability to create fulfillment which fuels your soul
and ultimately will create true and lasting happiness levels
with this type of fuel you will feed your motivation, your drive and best of all results in your life
i encourage you to define your talents and then find the best way to serve others with them
…put a different way, you can find the needs in the market place that need to be met and meet them
Purpose will give you something to lose yourself in…its something you can truly devote your life to
…its something that other people will be inspired to to assist you with and devote their time and energy to
…its something that you will lose track of time when you are doing it…
so what does all this discussion about fuel and purpose mean to you…
…only you can determine where you are in your life and what you need…
..ask yourself where you are in this stage of your life
do you need motivation?
do you need more drive and obsession?
do you need purpose?
are you even thinking about these things or are you on Autopilot…if so, STOP
…get clear on what you need and what you are going to do TODAY to fuel yourself
find a way to wrap Motivation, Drive, Purpose and Desire all together and keep them all in check
…be aware…that is the real key
…be relentless…be obsessed…be great
Do Hard Stuff every single day
Challenge Yourself daily
Don’t Give up
Don’t Settle
In closing today…a good friend of mine Bill Danko (who wrote Millionaire Next door) would say
You know what’s better than being a Millionaire…Being a Happy Millionaire
…and he went on to write a second book called “Richer than a Millionaire” which i highly recommend
Stephen Covey would say…Begin with the end in Mind….I think is good advice…
…start with Purpose and back it into Drive and then feed it with the spark of Motivation
I think i you will do this, you will find much more sustained progress toward your goals….
you will be like the rocket that pushes through the atmosphere with motivation
then pushing into the space of your dreams with drive and consistency
then you will accomplish Amazing things with Purpose and Passion.
You are unbelievable…You are talented…You are Unique
Its never too late to Start Living the Life You were Meant to Live…Start today.
Thanks for listening
George Wright III
PS- Please share this message with anyone you know…it would mean a lot to me personally
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