February 7

Today is a New Day

Today is a New Day…I know you’ve heard that before, and I also know many of you are struggling with various things in your life
-anxiety about some upcoming event
-maybe your struggling to pay your bills
-maybe your dealing with some tough emotional feelings in a relationship or partnership. 
-maybe you feel trapped in a business or career that you are good at but not satisfied with…you simply want more in your life. 
-or sometimes things may be going great but you simply just have a really hard day, or week or month for that matter. Haha
Well I want you to know that you’re not alone. We all go through seasons and cycles in our lives. And sometimes we simply don’t want it even need to hear that it’s for our good or we will grow through it. 
Sometimes it’s simple a time we are looking for a little support and inspiration…
So let me share some thoughts with you today (at the end of the week) that go along with PP #5-I Focus on Solutions and offer you some encouragement and maybe a little reassurance…
-when things are going tough, Don’t Forget to believe in yourself
-the only thing worse than accepting other people’s limiting beliefs about you is accepting your own..
-or allowing the difficult moments to keep you down. 
-he would go on to say “you can do anything if you simply remind yourself that you are unique and have unique talents the world will benefit from”…you are enough…
*now these words were always comforting to me and I want to extend the same words to you…
”you can do anything if you simply remind yourself that you ARE unique and do have value”…and more importantly…whatever you are going through will PASS. 
I can hear Les Brown right now…You’re troubles are not here to stay they have come to pass…
You can handle whatever you are going through. You can start to create the life you want to live starting today…
-it holds pens and pencils and things I might need. 
-it is a gift I received when I got my degree. 
-one day I was speaking with Robert and he reminded me of 5 Key Emotions that would guide me through difficult times. 
-I wrote these 5 words on the back of a business card and taped them to that pen holder. They have been with me ever since. 
Whenever I struggle (as we all do) I look at those cards and they remind me 
first, of the important of stying grounded and second, of the key emotions I must turn to when I need a boost or a little inspiration…
Here they are:
Have faith that you can handle anything
Have faith that there is a reason or a lesson to be learned and that tomorrow will bring a new day…
Have courage to face your challenges head on and to have the courage to find solutions and not dwell in the problems
Be resolved to finish what you start
Be not just committed but resolved to become the best version of yourself and inspire those around you to become better
Don’t forget to have love and empathy for others. Show compassion because you never know the silent struggles people are going through. The private battles. Be kind and be compassionate. When I focus on love and compassion you will attract more of that into your life. Give compassion to receive compassion. 
5-and finally…Gratitude
This is the best emotion of all. I love gratitude for several reasons. First, having an attitude of gratitude will bring happiness and prosperity into your life. Second, practicing gratitude is the quickest and easiest way to eliminate negativity, depression  and anxiety that I have found. 
Try it…
So just a quick review. 
Faith, courage, resolve, compassion and gratitude…these are the 5 Essential Emotions I have on my desk. 
We all want a lot of different things in life. But I truly believe that we are really and truly just seeking the emotions that the “things” will bring us. We want emotions and experiences that will bring us joy and happiness. 
It is my hope that if you will take a moment and think about these key emotions that you too can feel inspired and turn difficult situations or times in your life into moments of strength and growth. 
That’s my message for today. Have an amazing weekend and I hope to hear from you soon @thedailymastermind. 
George Wright III
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