May 5

The Power of Your Mastermind

Quote of The Day
An ounce of action is worth a ton of good intentions.  Michael Josephson
The Power of the Mastermind
revisit my second ever episode of the Daily Mastermind…
Exciting because its the reason that I Created the Podcast and Mobile App…
The concept of the Mastermind and the term has been used a lot lately…
Today my GOAL is to briefly help you to understand:
-What the mastermind is and How it works
-How it can be Applied in Your Life.
I First learned about a mastermind from reading Think and Grow Rich? 
How many of you have read Think & Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill?
It has sold over 100M copies sold and 80 years since it was written, and it is STILL on the best seller list…that really says something…
I personally read and continue to study and apply principles all the time….
Let me tell you a quick story…
About 5 years ago….when I was really struggling to find direction in personal/business life…
I found myself one night listening to an audiobook by Napoleon Hill and it changed everything.
-he was at a similar point in his life…struggling…questioning…wondering
-he had written Laws of Success and achieved massive success…then the depression
-lost everything…600 acre estate, bank,
-lost confidence, drive, determination…
He was questioning himself (just like you and i do when we struggle)…He asked himself…
  • How could he believe and teach principles he knew he himself was struggling with?
  • How could he do it during a depression when everything was going wrong…this was a Big Obstacle?
Then he remembered a couple IMPORTANT PRINCIPLES, and I want to share these with YOU today…
1-“Every Obstacle carries within it the seed of an equal or greater Opportunity” …
He realized that he was handed the greatest gift of all…to prove his strategies in a time that was undeniably the worst on human mindset he had ever witnessed…
2-He has not been applying the Principle of the Mastermind
He had been going at it alone (lone wolf)
How many of us try to do it all alone?…”A Lone Wolf”.  I know I have been guilty of that.
What about YOU?  Have YOU ever just felt Alone in your Entrepreneur journey? like the pressure was on you and only you?…Have you felt like there was no one to truly understand and support you…
Or maybe you feel like YOUR circumstances are impossible or harder than everyone else.
I can relate and so could Hill…
Hill made the CHOICE TO MOVE FORWARD and BELIVE things would and could change. Then, he went on to write Think and Grow Rich..and the rest is history…
I decided to Create The Daily Mastermind & Mobile App for similar reasons.  I wanted To create one of the worlds largest Mastermind Communities of Entrepreneurs focused on Personal Development, Financial Education working together to Create Their Ultimate Destiny…
And guess what?…I believe its time for YOU to also start tapping into your true greatness and Apply the Amazing Principle of the Mastermind….and Take your Life and Business to the Next Level…
So…What is the Mastermind?…How can it help YOU?
Well first…let me tell you what is it NOT..
-not get rich quick, not work less get more, not other people doing work for you.
-its not sit by your mailbox and have positive thoughts waiting for checks to come in…
Its Creating a Definitely purpose and aligning others to help work toward that same purpose.
Napoleon Hill defines Mastermind in Think and Grow Rich as this…
A mastermind alliance is the “coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose.” 
Plus, there are several benefits in the creation of a mastermind:
1-“No two minds ever come together without, thereby, creating a third, invisible, intangible force which may be likened to a third mind.” 
2-“When a group of individual brains are coordinated and function in harmony, the increased energy created through that alliance, becomes available to every individual in the group.” 
3-“When two or more people coordinate in a spirit of HARMONY, and work toward a definite objective, they place themselves in position, through that alliance, to absorb power directly from the great universal storehouse of Infinite Intelligence.”
So, the Mastermind is….YELLOW HIGHLIGHTS
The Daily Mastermind podcast has a similar purpose…
-to provide resources, knowledge, support and experience need to spark the creative genius I know is inside of YOU and Attract the Resources you need into your life…
-I want to assist you in Creating Your Ultimate Destiny…the knowledge to apply the success principles
I believe YOU were born with Incredible power inside you to Create Your Best Life…we all were…
I challenge you to STOP trying to do it Alone…
STOP focusing only on Merely the GRIND and START tapping into the power of a Mastermind, a Mentor, a Community of individuals working toward common goals and desires…
YOU can do it.
Now I could dig DEEPer into Mastermind, but I want to challenge you to read Think & Grow Rich and discover the wisdom on your own. Then you can use your filter to determine how it can serve you best.
Congratulations on taking time to learn and grown…You are already tapping into the Principles and Powers that are associated with the Mastermind by listening to this podcast and making the decision to Create Your Ultimate Destiny.
I challenge you to continue to work toward your goals. 
Create and Maintain a Powerful Mastermind.
Continue to work toward your Definite Purpose without hesitation
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