Today I am recording this episode from the comfort of my massage chair after an amazing workout. Talk about a great example of living in the present moment…what a great life and I’m grateful for the ability I have to record content for thousands of people in dozens of countries around the world. We definitely live in a world of opportunity and technology…very grateful.
So in part 1 of this 3 day series we talked about:
-you are not your mind
-time is an illusion of the mind
-how to ground yourself in the present more often
And, in part 2, we talked about:
-accessing the Power of the present moment
-becoming the “silent” observer of your mind
-letting go of psychological time
Today, we are going to talk about some Awesome stuff that I feel you will get some massive value from:
-Eliminating negative emotions and problems
-How to live in you “life” not your “life situation”
-Reframing and eliminating your problems
-Creating Joy in the Present moment and journey of life.
I hope you will try to be PRESENT and really grasp these ideas. I KNOW they will help you if you will apply them in your lives.
Please share this podcast with someone you know. It would mean a lot to me and also to someone that really needs it.
Thanks for listening.
George Wright III