November 11

Strategies to Eliminate Worry & Anxiety

Episode #476:  Strategies to Eliminate Worry & Anxiety

Let’s chat today about Worry, Anxiety and things you can’t control. 🙂

Does this Describe you…
  • afraid to say what you really think
  • constantly thinking that people are upset with you when they really aren’t
  • do you do things that you dont really want to do and then regret it afterward
  • you find it hard to do something different and may be too scared to do so
  • avoid certain people, because you are scared they don’t like you
  • you do what others tell you to do and find it hard to make decisions
These are Signs You Worry too Much About Others…
How do you STOP WORRYING…???
1-Think about Why You Care
-society is conditioning you
2-Focus on Being in the Moment
-both a distraction and grounding moment
3-Know that People Don’t Normally Care
-just like you they focus on themselves
4-Practice Self Love and Acceptance
-self confidence and self esteem
-meditation, healthy living, focus on you
5-Find Your Group of People
-surround with positive people…comfort
-validation, common goals, honesty
6-Understand You Cant Please Everyone
-“better to be loved by a few than liked by everyone”
-you will absolutely have critics…its price of success
7-Know that Life is Too Short
-life is short…make the most of it
-don’t waste time on others critics focus on you
Bottom Line…
Learn to Create Unshakable Focus and Determination
Value the FEW and Tune out the REST
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