July 20

Stop Looking Outside Yourself for Solutions

Stop Looking Outside Yourself for Solutions
You have the potential to create right now
Quote of the Day
“It’s not the situation…It’s your reaction to the situation”
…are you proactive or reactive?
…are you responsible or victim?
…do you control the pace or wait for signals of what to do?
This quote reminded me this morning of a very important principle or lesson I learned
Stop looking outside yourself for solutions to your problems…help, resources, etc.
So many of us are facing challenges right now
…business, personal, communication, financial
What are you struggling with right now?
What do you feel is missing from your life?
What are you hoping to find or discover that will help you?
Now I want you to step back for a moment and listen…
So many times we all search for something outside ourselves, lives and influence.
It’s not only a problem but it is also a perception and ongoing cause of our issues.
Depending or Needing things outside yourself will ALWAYS be outside your control.
Learn to recognize that “its possible” to create without outside things…
Its possible to create happiness, success, progress, fulfillment…with the resources you already have in your life right now this very moment.
It may be hard to see but it doesn’t make it any less true.
Faith is belief in something you cannot see…
Laws of the universe are excellent example of things you don’t need to see to believe.
about 10 years ago…business failure, divorce, personal defeat…
remember the situation very clearly…
listened to an audiobook by Napoleon Hill
he shifted to using adversity as an opportunity…just like the quote of the day
You have overcome challenges before in your life
You are stronger than you think
You have abilities that are dormant or not unleashed
Steps to CREATE
1- Commit to push through
2- Recognize your greatness and abilities
3- Disconnect from the outcome…Get lost in the process
4- Persist until you win
…Les Brown…Its not over until I win
…Robert Stuberg…Key Virtues (faith, courage, resolve, compassion, gratitude)
Identify & Clarify a problem you are working on
You must admit where you are (vulnerability is key)
Determine what it will take to make a change and push through it
Acknowledge and Accept that you can do it
Just start…don’t wait for the plan, path, solutions…create through action
Remember this: each day you persist will the hardest day you will ever face moving forward…you were tough enough to make to through and you are now stronger…
So, it’s up to you at this point…
You need to decide who you want to be…
…the person that gives up
…the person that waits for outside help
…the person that is going to take the ball and run with it…responsibility for your life.
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