Listen to the Episode Here (11:16)
Since consulting in LA I’ve been asked why and how I have so many different businesses and focuses. The answer is I have only one focus and that is doing what I love. I love strategy and marketing and all areas of my focus fall into this Unique Talent that I have.
The key is living and operating inside Your Unique Talent
Quote, “Find a job you love doing and you’ll never have to work a day in your life”- Mark Twain
…we will come back to this in a minute but FIRST…
But here is an important question….
Is FEAR stopping you from moving forward in life?
or…it is complacency that is keeping you stagnant?
You must know yourself…if you want to create success (happiness, fulfillment, money)
what motivated you
what do you want
what are you focused on in your life
what are you KSF
what are the milestones you are reaching for
You have to know yourself better than anyone else.
You must understand what motivates and inspires you.
But to do this you have to ask the questions…
If you want more in your life, you MUST know yourself.
Which brings me back to Unique Talent.
IN order to truly create the Life You Want and the Life You Were Meant to Live
I BELIEVE you must operate inside your Unique Talent.
Your Unique Talent is the thing that you are Excellent and Passionate About
-your sweet spot…you lose track of time
-most live in competent
-some live in incompetent
-find the area that you are excellent and passionate about
*Note this may be difficult for most because its hard to see yourself
*Don’t be fooled by what YOU THINK is your talent…American Idol
*Also, don’t worry if you can be successful with this talent…the very definition means you will be
Now—I want you to add the most important ingredient to this thought….
….do it in the service to others….
That is the definition of good marketing…good business…great fulfillment…happiness ALL OF ABOVE
So here is my challenge for you today:
-search for and find your unique talent
-find ways to apply it to what you do
-develop and nurture this talent
-find ways to acknowledge gratitude for your gifts
-be around other people that inspire and accept your talents
If you do this, I promise you will see massive changes in ALL AREAS of your life.
Thanks for listening. Have a great day.
George Wright III