November 3

It’s Time To Go All In for Your Best Life

Episode #472: It’s Time to go all in for your best life.
What’s been holding you back?
  • Is there something you’ve been wanting to do for a while now?
  • Is there something missing in your life?
  • Maybe you don’t know what it is but you know it’s time for change…
What is the reason you are hesitating and procrastinating?
  • fear of failure
  • fear of others thoughts
  • circumstances
  • not negative, but other reasons…backups, opportunities
REGRET is the worst kind of Emotion
Time to GO ALL IN…right now
Steps to take action right now…3 Specific Steps
1-Make a Commitment
  • decision
  • commitment
  • resolve
  • public commitment
Burn the Boats…
  • If you want to take the island, you need to burn the boats
  • You may have heard story of Cortes and burning his ships…this is source of quote
Cortez arrived in the New World with 600 men and upon arrival, made history by destroying his ships.  This sent a clear message to his men:  There is no turning back.  Two years later, he succeeded in hs conquest of the Aztec Empire.
Create certainty…Create forward vision for Yourself and Your Team.
Safety nets are keeping you from success
NOTE-it doesnt mean you cant course adjust or correct…
…it simply means you won’t look back or go backwards.
2-Create Certainty
  • surround yourself with the right people
  • learn your craft…MASTERY
  • create a vision, plan, strategy
  • visualize the end goal daily (affirmations, visual, verbal)
  • create validation and small wins
3-Massive Action
  • productivity vs activity
  • KPIS
  • accountability
  • mentoring, support, partners, mastermind
It’s never too late to create your best life, business, success, wealth, relationships
Heard an analogy the other day…haven’t seen movie but loved the quote
“This is my letter of resignation.  This is my obituary.  The young girl who worked for you for the last seven years is dead and buried.  She leaves behind a lifetime of indecision, hesitation and fear.  She will not be missed.  She will not be mourned.  Because she was really never alive to begin with.  But she is now.  And she has her entire life in front of her.  An entire life just waiting to be filled.”
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