August 6

How You Do Anything is How you Do Everything (3 fo 4)

Welcome back to our 3rd Day in a 5 part series on the 17 Wealth Files from Harv Eker.  As I mentioned in previous episodes, I learned a great deal from Harv Eker and I really encourage you to get his book The Secrets of the Millionaire Mind.  It really was a turning point for me when it comes to developing a mindset for success.  I have always enjoyed and valued personal development, but Harv had a great way of attaching the Inner Game to the Outer Game which made a lot of sense for me.  And, as entrepreneurs and investors, I hope it will do the same for you.
So let’s go back and do a quick review of the first 5 Wealth Files we covered yesterday…
Wealth File #1
Rich people believe “I create my life.” Poor people believe “Life happens to me.”
Wealth File #2
Rich people play the money game to win.  Poor people play the money game to not lose.
Wealth File #3
Rich people are committed to being rich.  Poor people want to be rich.
Wealth File #4
Rich people think big.  Poor people think small.
Wealth File #5
Rich people focus on opportunities.  Poor people focus on obstacles.
This brings us to the next set of Wealth Files #6-11 that I want to talk a bit about today….
Wealth File #6
Rich people admire other rich and successful people. Poor people resent rich and successful people.
If you view (rich, successful) people as bad and you want to be rich you will never be rich…
Why do we resent the rich…
-comparison economy
-our relationship with money
-our beliefs about what it takes (that maybe we dont posses)
*ultimately we rationalize our lack of success…
In what ways do you do this in your business, relationships or life?
Wealth File #7
Rich people associate with positive, successful people. Poor people associate with negative or unsuccessful people.
You are the average of the people you associate with…
How do you currently surround yourself with?
Why do we do this….
-belief transference
-positive energy
-mentoring examples
I encourage you to take a good hard look at who you surround yourself with.
Wealth File #8
Rich people are willing to promote themselves and their value. Poor people think negatively about selling and promotion.
People have a real problem with sales and promotion for many reasons…
-bad sales experience in the past leaving a negative feeling
-bad selling experience in the past with bad outcome
-how you were raised…don’t toot your own horn…don’t show off…
Bottom line is this…Leaders are promoters.  Leaders promote themselves, their message, their purpose.  Leaders create impact and make a difference.
Wealth File #9
Rich people are bigger than their problems. Poor people are smaller than their problems.
Harv Principle, “the secret to success is not to try to avoid or get rid of or shrink from your problems; the secret is to grow yourself o that you are bigger than any problem.”
Otherwise, you are not “growing”…you are not becoming all you are capable of.
I understand it is painful and difficult, but it is essential to your happiness, fulfillment, creating impact and yes…a successful life.
What part of your life are you struggling with right now that you might be shrinking rather than growing in?  How can you lean into this and grow bigger than your problem?
Wealth File #10
Rich people are excellent receivers.  Poor people are poor receivers.
One of the biggest things holding you bad is that you are bad at receiving…compliments, money, help, support…
There are many reasons you may not feel worthy.  We are not going to get deep into that today, but you need to realize this…..listen closely…
Self Worth is not needed for NET WORTH…Let me tell you why…Because your idea of whether your worthy or not is just a “story you tell yourself” in the first place…The meaning we give things is just that…a meaning we gave it…not the truth or the end result.  You can choose to change how you perceive yourself.
Harv says in his book, “if you say you are worthy, you are.  If you say you’re not worthy, you’re not.  Either way you will live into your story.”
So decide to be worthy and decide to be a good receiver.  In order to be a truly good giver you must be a good receiver…that in turn will develop your self worth and your success in life.
Wealth File #11
Rich people choose to get paid based on results. Poor people choose to get paid based on time.
I’m going to end with this last Wealth File by encouraging you to…
Harv has always promoting the value of a good active income/job/etc, but don’t let it interfere with your ability to create a higher net worth and increase yoru success.  The real problem is that normally it does interfere.
The best way to overcome the conflict and challenge is by owning your own business.  A business (yes) can be like a job, but with the right business focus a business provides flexibility, massive tax reduction advantages and more importantly…it provides hope, freedom and opportunity a job will most likely not provide long term. Ultimate, find something that allows you to get paid for your worth, effort, and potential not just your time and you will become wealthy.
I hope these particular Success Strategies will help you to really get in tune with your mindset and how you think about money…and every other area of your life.
Thanks for listening today, and click that subscribe button so we can continue our journey together.  Have an amazing day.
George Wright III
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