November 1

How to Visualize and Manifest Your Best Life

Episode #470:  How to Visualize and Manifest Your Best Life

Today I want to talk to you about Vision…
You might be wondering why I talk so much about Vision…
  • you best life starts with vision
  • it’s on ongoing process, not just a one time event
  • if you are like me, you need to clarify even more
  • so I want to share some thoughts on vision
  • I came across an great article on
  • great website to reference for thoughts, ideas, strategies
  • I want you to take notes
  • then, sit down for 10 min and execute on your thoughts
How to Create a Vision for Your Life
  • Think of your vision like the compass for your life…
  • You MUST spend time CONSISTENTLY mapping out your life
  • Clarity will come with time and time will require clarity of your vision
Why You Need a Vision…
  • without direction you will not end up where you want to go
  • experts agree that you will accomplish more with a vision
  • your life satisfaction and personal happiness will increase (think about that)
  • if you don’t create a vision, you will live someone else’s vision (unhappiness)
How to Create Your Life Vision…
  • Understand it will take consistency, patience and time to create clarity
  • Vision will require writing down thoughts, reflection and visualization
  • The key is to create vivid, clear, and distinct and purposeful components of your vision
What Do You Want?
  • So let’s start with the question…What do you Want?
  • Question sounds simple but it’s not.  Think about it.
  • I ask people all the time what they want and the answers don’t come quickly…Why?
  • “A life of fulfillment doesn’t happen by chance…it happens by design”
  • It’s helpful to ask questions…thoughts and direction come from questions.
  • Personal, Professional, Relationships, Finances, Lifestyle
(Tips to remember)
  • Why do you want certain things?
  • Focus on what you want not what you don’t want.
  • Dream a little. Don’t be afraid to reach for the stars.
  • create a vision board, write in a journal, open a note on your phone.
(Questions to get you thinking)
  • What really matters to you in life? Not what should matter, what does matter.
  • What would you like to have more of in your life?
  • Set aside money for a moment; what do you want in your career?
  • What are your secret passions and dreams?
  • What do you want your relationships to be like?
  • What qualities would you like to develop?
  • What are your values? What issues do you care about?
  • What are your talents? What’s special about you?
  • What would you most like to accomplish?
  • What legacy would you like to leave behind?
Most Importantly….What do you want your life to be like?
What Would Your Best Life Look Like?
I love the exercise of describing your best life in detail.
What would your perfect day look like.  Break down the details.
Think about what life would be like 5, 10, 20 years from now.
Visualization is the key to manifesting in your life.
(Questions to get you thinking)
  • What will you have accomplished already?
  • How will you feel about yourself?
  • What kind of people are in your life? How do you feel about them?
  • What does your ideal day look like?
  • Where are you? Where do you live? Think specifics, what city, state, or country, type of community, house or an apartment, style and atmosphere.
  • What would you be doing?
  • Are you with another person, a group of people, or are you by yourself?
  • How are you dressed?
  • What’s your state of mind? Happy or sad? Contented or frustrated?
  • What does your physical body look like? How do you feel about that?
  • Does your best life make you smile and make your heart sing? If it doesn’t, dig deeper, dream bigger.
Take some time to sit down and write, reflect, and dedicate time to this exercise.
You are worth it, but you only deserve it if you are willing to work at it.
I’m sure many of you have read or heard of the book Think and Grow Rich. 
One of the best selling books of all time.  100M copies sold over 80 years.
Whether you’ve read the book or not, it might help you to remember that the title is…
THINK and Grow rich….meaning….thinking is a requirement of success and happiness.
Don’t wait for your future to be created.  Take responsibility and create your vision.
It’s never too late to start living the life you were meant to life
But, you must start by taking time to create and visualize the life you want to live.
Thanks for tuning in today. Have a great week.
George Wright III


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