June 10

How to Get Out of a Rut

Quote of the Day
Remember you can’t steal second if you don’t take your foot off first.  Mike Todd
Entrepreneur Magazine Article
by John Rampton
When your productivity starts to slip due to low motivation, overwhelm or stress…
Try these 15 techniques to get back on your game…
  1. Focus only on your main goal
    1. splitting your focus can drain your energy and motivation.  
  2. Find out how you’re spending your time
    1. track your day and how you are spending your time if you want to increase your productivity and motivation.
  3. Come on, get happy
    1. motivation increases when dopamine increases.  
    2. increase dopamine through brain hacks like:  celebrate wins, share results with family, micro deadlines, 10 min naps, move between right/left brain, healthy foods, or a short walk.
  4. Strike a Pose
    1. body language has a direct effect on your mindset and energy
  5. Develop a pre-game routine
    1. having a routine to put yourself in a motivated “state” can aid you when you are not in one.  develop a routine and practice/use it.
  6. Set the bar low
    1. when you are low motivated, encourage yourself with small wins.
  7. Overcome your fears
    1. fear can significantly lower motivation.  
    2. develop techniques to conquer your fears like naming them or conquering small fears.
  8. Reward yourself
    1. recognizing your accomplishments will increase self confidence and motivation.
  9. Practice positive self talk
    1. positive self talk increases motivation
    2. second person self talk reports higher levels of confidence
  10. The fresh start effect
    1. January 1st example of fresh start effect
    2. you dont need to wait.  start fresh daily through goals and notes to self.
  11. Have someone hold you accountable
    1. accountability creates results increasing motivation.  
    2. external sources of motivation when internal fails.
  12. Focus on positive outcomes
    1. abundant mental game vs scarcity
  13. Tap into your bigger purpose
    1. taking a step back gives you perspective and helps you to stay focused and eliminate overwhelm
  14. Get some more green into your life
    1. colors impact psychology
    2. green sparks creativity, motivation, energy
  15. Find inspiration daily
    1. external sources help when motivation is low
    2. books, quotes, ted talks, support from a friend, but seek out new sources constantly.
Please share this episode with someone today.  I know that you can make a difference in someone elses life.  I hope you have enjoyed this message.
George Wright III
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