How are you ding so far this year on accomplishing yoru goals?
Ive foudn over time that its about this time of year that people either start to give up on their goals or maybe they just start to become stuck in the rut of everyday life and forget what they are actually tryign to accomplish in life…becuase of the “grind” and/or their “cirucumstances”.
Well my goal and promise to you is to not let you forget that you have a “best life” to create and you have greatness inside you.
What may be holding you back from the best level of success you can be achieving is a lack of confidence or even some fears that are keeping you from takign aciton toward your goals daily.
That is what we talk about on today’s podcast. We talk about:
3 fears that are holding most people back
how to address and compensate for those fears
what you can do this week to fix that
Ultimately, I want to get you thinking about how you can create greater levels of belief and confidence and I know this episode will help you with that.
Thanks for listening…and PLEASE share the show. I appreciate your support.
George Wright III