September 12

How to Build Your Mental Strength

I hope you are having an awesome week.  Today I want to share with you a couple thoughts on how to Create More Mental Strength.  Sometimes Knowing what not to do allows us to gain perspective even more than knowing what “to do”.  So, Im going to share with you some things that I feel Mentaly Strong People try to stop doing in their lives.  I hope it brings you some value and perspective.
Thanks for listening.  G 🙂
Don’t Give up their Power
Don’t Feel sorry for Themselves
Don’t Let Fear Stop Them
Dont Resent Others Success
Dont Waste Energy on stuff They can’t Control
Don’t Feel Entitled
Dont Worry about Pleasing Everyone
Don’t Give Up….EVER….Be Relentless
Don’t Keep Making Same Mistakes
Don’t Expect Immediate Results
Don’t Dwell on the Past
Don’t Fear Alone Time
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