November 2

How to Break Your Negative Cycles of Behavior with Tony Robbins

This past weekend I spent some serious time pondering negative life cycles and patterns that I have recognized recently.

We all have patterns that continue to present themselves.

It’s frustrating when we are growth minded and consciously observing to create change.

We try to observe, and we try to correct, and we try to move forward.

But truth is that we will never create lasting change till we crack the code…identify the real problem.

This is why I am a proponent of life-long learning and growth…best self…best life.

Life-long learning is needed because success principles are not created…they are discovered…over time and timing in your life.

We may have heard a principle or strategy a million times but it never “clicked” or we never truly “heard” the solution until the timing was right or we truly sought the right answers.

It takes timing, growth, situations and maybe even the right mentor or speaker or setting.

This weekend is no different….

I was contemplating relationships and communication and live events myself .

I know, and most of us realize, that effective communication is the key to relationships and life in general, and as passionate driven entrepreneur I am not different.

I struggle at times with patience and communication.

So, I was listening to Tony Robbins talk about Communication and Stumbled across some major solutions and awareness to some things I’ve been struggling with on Communication…

The solution was anything I hadn’t heard many times, but it was indeed the “first time” I actually “heard it” or it “clicked for me”.  So, I thought I would share that with you…

Tony was talking about the Quality of your life being in direct proportion to the Quality of Your Communication…and I agree with this as I’m sure you do.

I would even go so far as to say that I have been very aware of communication patterns and how I communicate in order to create better communication (and experiences) in my life for some time now.

But Tony said something when he was talking that (this time it seems) I was much more aware, in tune or ready to hear….he said that the Quality of your Life is in direct proportion to the Quality of Communication you have with “YOURSELF”.

Let me say that again…

the Quality of your Life is in direct proportion to the Quality of Communication you have with “YOURSELF”.

That is what struck me…so I played it back a couple times as it sank in.

You see I’ve had situations and events that happen in personal and professional relationships that lead to unhealthy communication.  I’ve recognized this and made many efforts to communicate in a much more patient, understanding and supportive way…but it didn’t really click until I heard Tony say “communication with yourself” that I realized that most of my communication problems were entirely of my own doing….INTERNALLY not with the way I was communicating externally.

Let me back up and explain why this is so true and what I mean here…

You see when we go through experiences in our lives…divorce, business, personal, relationships, or whatever experiences we go through….it internally creates a feeling or emotion that embeds certain thoughts and creates certain “beliefs” in our mind.  If you experience something bad, your mind decides to categorize that event as bad or something you will want to avoid.  So next time you experience (or more importantly, you mind thinks you are going to experience) that same or similar situation, your mind will “interpret that event” to be something that you have already experienced bad or negative emotions with, and it will prompt you to avoid that situation again (as we all would like to do). Your mind is designed to protect you and help you avoid pain and suffering.  That is not a bad thing, but you need to recognize this and compensate for it.

As a result, when faced with a similar event, you might more quickly jump to conclusions and get angry, defensive, or even interpret that event “prematurely” to be the same exact situation and then you will REACT AND JUMP QUICKLY TO CONCLUSIONS or even worse “ASSUME” you already know where the situation is leading and take it in the wrong direction.  The problem is that MOST of the time…what is the old saying…90% of the worst experiences in our lives have happened “only in our MINDS”. lol

So, when your bad experiences in your PAST create negative beliefs in your MIND, and a new situation comes up, you REACT based on past experience and beliefs in a way that creates behavior that does not serve you…ultimately creating a negative RESULT (Pattern, Cycle, and ultimately Lessor Quality of Life). And it’s all based on internally communication with yourself.

This is the epiphany I had regarding Communication and the effects of Internal Communication with Yourself.

Ultimately, the Quality of Communication does determine the Quality of your Life, Relationships, and Personal Growth….but the Key is to realize that it is the communication with YOURSELF that needs to change.

So, when something comes up that triggers a negative emotion or a response that might not serve you, you need to find a way to interrupt that Belief pattern and react or communication differently.

NOW I KNOW THIS IS HARD, but knowing the PATTERN, TRIGGERS, and PROBLEM are the key….

Remember that you can create new patterns of reaction and belief…it’s a proven fact.  Scientists call this the concept or principle of Neuroplasticity.

The key is to Frequently and Consistently change that pattern to create a new one……

It is then that you will move forward Creating Your best self and your best life…

I hope this message helps inspire and motivate you to Unleash Your True Potential. Let me know your thoughts.

Thanks for listening.  🙂

George Wright

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