May 2

Choose Carefully Who You Surround Yourself With

Les Brown said, “Other people’s opinions don’t have to become your reality.” Read that again.
Other people’s opinions don’t have to become your reality.
Why do we struggle so much with Positivity these days?
Why do we see the amount of Self Confidence, Self Esteem and Value dropping?
I believe it is because we are allowing the wrong people to surround us in our lives and business. 
I think we struggle with this because of social media, and because of our competitive spirit as entrepreneurs.
I think we need to begin to sort and filter the people in our lives because it has a direct affect on our quality of life and business.
We need to STOP allowing others to influence and determine the trajectory of our future….
  • Stop Giving Value to Other Peoples Opinions & Comments
  • Stop Asking for Others Opinions
  • Stop Asking for Permission
  • Stop Seeking Validation
We need to STOP habits that attract negative people and opinions to influence us…
  • Social Media New Feed
  • Negative Comments and Culture in Workplace
  • People that Don’t Align with Your Vision
  • Activities that Don’t Support Your Goals and Dreams
Remember that Your Network is Your Net Worth…
Better said, “Your Network is Your Net Life Creation”.
The people you surround yourself with will determine your life course.
It doesn’t make a difference whether they’re positive or negative.
They’re going to influence you whether you realize it or not…so be proactive and specific with who you surround yourself with.
One of the success principles we fail to understand is that it’s not as simple as just surrounding yourself with some positive people.
You have to be specific with your INTENT and your CREATION of your life and this includes the PEOPLE in your life.
Napoleon Hill gives an interesting perspective on this idea of “specific intent” in his book, Think and Grow Rich.
Many of us have heard of affirmations and things you can do on a daily basis to grow our mindset.
But we don’t dig deep enough into the understanding of principles to get beyond just the simple principles.
He gives an interesting example when he talks about the need for “persistence with your affirmations.”
He talks about persistence being that gateway to actual results with your affirmations.
When you develop persistence, you will be able to, more appropriately, hold yourself accountable for your plans and purpose.

Benefits From Positive People 

So why do we start surrounding ourselves with positive people? What benefits can you gain from surrounding yourself with positive people?
If you’ve ever noticed when you’re around positive successful people, you gain their belief. There’s an AA principle called Belief Transfer which means if you don’t believe it yet, be around individuals that do. And if you’re around individuals that do, you really can count on their belief until yours gets grown through your own personal experiences and life experience.
Being around positive people gives you a lot of experience. They have the experience of going through the ups & downs, and successes & failures in business and life. 
Being around their experience, positive people will also help you expand your vision. I know when you have been around individuals that are successful, it seems like their vision is just a little bigger or maybe a lot bigger than yours. 
That’s a huge benefit to being around positive successful people. It rubs off!
Indirectly you may receive a lot of opportunities and have doors open for you. I’ve had many individual circumstances in my life where I’ve been around positive people, and it’s just been open doors and opportunities, one right after another.
Also, it’s very important for you to stop basing your self-worth off other people’s opinions. You need to stop doing that! 
Find ways to guard your mind tightly against negative influences. Make the decision to do that. Surround yourself with positive people so that they will help to encourage and push you to your goals, your plans, and your purpose.

Your Strategy to Implement Right Now

Here’s one thing you need to do right now…
Pick, and add 1 new positive influencer to your network today. It doesn’t matter if you need to re-establish a connection.
  1. Make a decision that you’re going to add an individual to your network today. 
  2. Reach out to them.
  3. Tell them that you’d like to start communicating with them.
  4. Express your appreciation and your gratitude for their positivity.
Do this, and let’s see your life start to turn around into what you want. I really believe it’s never too late for you to start living the life you were meant to live. So continue to create it.
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