September 21

Are You Going Through Life with a Filter

What type of filter do you use when you look through the camera lense of your life?

Are you seeing events as they truly are, or are you adding a layer/perspective that changes the events you are witnessing in your life?

I woudl argue that, even if you think you are not, you are most likely applying a lense or perspective based on your past experiences and beliefs.  This can really cause problems for most people.  The reason this is a problem is that negative past experiences can provide an inaccurate view of what is happening in your life.

Today I want to talk about how situations are not good or bad in your life, unless you choose them to be….Wayne Dyer said, “when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”

I want to explore a few ideas on how we can change the filter we are using when looking at our lives.  I hope it will inspire you to create your best life possible.  Thanks for listening.

George Wright III

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