June 20

How to Attract More Success into Your Life

Here is a quote I personally love and am I’m using inside my life…

YOU Must Become Better First

Jim Rohn said, “Success is not to be pursued.  It is to be attracted by the person you become.” I love that!  

Why? Because I’ve utilized this in my own life. You see, I’ve always pushed hard for everything I’ve achieved.  I’ve worked hard for everything I had my life.  I work hard because I felt that if I worked hard, I would get the things and the lifestyle that would make me happy and help to fulfill me. 

What I learned later in life is that “things” don’t really make you happy.  Then, as I grew and became more and more successful, I decided that I’m going to start living a life on purpose.  I decided to live life doing the things that will make me happy. 

I started to do more things that were short term gratification (that I felt would create that sense of fulfillment), but also things that would help me to be happy.  But still, there was something missing.  I finally learned the ultimate lesson … that you need to be able to work hard and take massive action…But you also need to learn to ATTRACT the life, the success, and the prosperity.

LEARN THIS LESSON NOW…Use the Law of Attraction

You have to leverage the Law of Attraction in order to attract what is best for you and your life. You’ll attract everything you desire, as you become a better and better person.  You’ll benefit from this proven law of the universe…


Now you’ve probably seen or read The Secret which covers the Law of Attraction.  The principal, however, has been around since the beginning of time. There are many resources you can master about the Law of Attraction, even inside of The Daily Mastermind app.

I truly believe that most don’t ultimately understand this universal law.  This is a universal law of prosperity. Bob Proctor does an amazing job teaching a lot about the Law of Attraction because he talks about it a little differently. 

He explains it is actually two distinct laws:  the Law of Vibration (primary) and the Law of Attraction (secondary).  These two laws work together in harmony and the more you understand them, the more you can use them to create your life.

So, what do you need to do in order to ATTRACT more success into your life?

Well, you have to grow “yourself” …you have to grow personally.  For example:

  • learn to increase your confidence. 
  • increase your energy so you’re operating at a higher frequency
  • develop your mindset 
  • shift your paradigm, the view you have of the world 
  • create focus with specific intentions of where you want your life to go

There are many strategies and things you can do in order to personally develop and attract more success in your life.  We talk about them each and every day on this podcast.

But here are just a few reminders, so you can have context for this Pillar today…


Daily rituals will help you increase your confidence and your energy level—two for one.


To grow your mindset and change your paradigm, have daily affirmations.  This will allow your subconscious and conscious mind to go to a whole new level. Write out your affirmations and repeat those morning and night or writing them down and having them in front of you is a very solid strategy.


Next, lifelong learning that we just talked about that a few days ago.  Lifelong learning will definitely help you to be able to attract success in your life as you personally grow your knowledge and skills.


Also, surround yourself with successful people.  Surrounding yourself with more successful, prosperous, happy, and fulfilled individuals will expand your life.  That frequency and that attraction is going to happen even at a higher degree for you with the higher vibe of those around you.


Lastly, the strategy that I really want to emphasize today is faith.  Yes, faith. Faith is a decision to have confidence and trust that you will create the life you desire and attract it toward you.  This is different than belief. Belief will come as you grow your actions.  Create new experiences, and your belief will begin to change.  But faith is a decision.

Choose To Believe…You can choose to believe that success is going to be attracted into your life.  

Albert Einstein said, “Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want, and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way.  This is not philosophy, this is physics.”

Do you part to work with and leverage these amazing universal laws, and the energies of your life will bring the success you desire. I know that you have greatness inside of you.  Now let’s get it!

George Wright III

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