June 2

Financial Stability Creates Peace of Mind

Nothing reduces stress, makes you feel accomplished, and brings peace of mind like having financial stability.

Bottom Line…having a strong financial foundation requires a game plan. 

It amazes me how many people don’t track, monitor or plan for their financial future. 

I myself have been guilty of this many times…especially when things are going extremely well with my active or passive income.

 But, I’d recommend that you really dig into your finances right now. 

It doesn’t matter whether it’s a perfect time or not.  NOW is the best time you will ever have to pull in the reins of your finances. 

Even if income or business revenue has slowed down, it’s an even better reason for you to focus on your Financial Future. 

Dial in your plan, your goals, and your systems for creating financial freedom and independence in your life.

Download Mint or Truebill (not affiliated)

  • best FREE tool I’ve found to track and monitor…what you focus on grows
  • budgets, debts, installments, taxes, etc
  • link to your account for real time data…doesn’t take time if setup properly
  • like David Bach says…make it automatic
  • notifications, email, text, etc, but don’t overwhelm yourself. start simple

Measure Net Worth

  • net worth is the total sum of your wealth
  • stop measuring by income…must factor in debt, active, passive, etc
  • “growth” is the key, not a destination…be growing and you are successful
  • run your own race

Credit Karma (not affiliated)

  • another great free tool with tracking, resources, tips and strategies (examples)
  • education and training on your credit score
  • reduce your revolving debt below 30%
  • free app and credit report all bureaus
  • education and learn many different ways to improve your financial health

Find a Mentor

  • Success creates success. yes, this is why the wealthy get wealthier
  • belief transference about ways of making and increasing active and passive income
  • learn difference between active and passive
  • stop trying to replace your active income. maximize active to create more passive
  • lesson learned…what is your number for financial protection, freedom, independence

Learn to Invest

  • the secrets of high net worth are not rocket science…we teach at 3Day summit
  • it takes work just like anything else, so make the time
  • If you have a vision, you will be motivated to learn. without you won’t
  • stock investing, real estate investing, forex investing (over 6 Trillion per day)
  • did you know that people can make money from forex from mobile phone
  • airbnb can multiply your income on real estate…condo example…airbnb my RV
  • learn to look at things in your life as an investment or an expense…everything
  • How much money will go through your bank account in your lifetime??

We could spend all day on this subject, but the key is to realize that like your MIND, your FINANCES will totally and completely AFFECT your life.  I don’t care what anyone says about money, it absolutely affects your emotions, relationships, lifestyle and more.  So…Get YOUR act together (for me too) and let’s make this your BEST year and build on it moving forward.

That’s my message for the day.  Thank you for spending time with me.  I can’t wait to talk about lifestyle tomorrow.  But, do me a favor…share this episode or the podcast with one person today. 

I don’t charge for the knowledge I have learned and share everyday with you.  And I don’t need show sponsors, but I do need your help in sharing these messages with others. 


Thanks and have a great afternoon.

George Wright III

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