February 3

Are you living in a Place of Fear?

How to Stop Living in a Place of Fear
…Your Decisions are Shaping Your Life Right Now.
Are you Living from a Place of Fear right Now?
Yes, there is a lot of crazy stuff going on in the world.
Yes, some of it is totally unbelievable.
But…the thoughts you have and the decisions you are making RIGHT NOW are shaping your life moving forward and (if you are operating from fear)
It is time to Stop and Take control of your Trajectory in life….
Welcome back to the daily mastermind
…your daily dose of inspiration, motivation and education
Quote of the day
You gotta Dream Bigger…Vishen Lakhiani
This is a great quote because it will apply directly to what I wan tot talk with you about today…you’ll see why in a minute.
Do you feel like your life is out of control?
Do you feel like everyone around you is losing their minds?
Yeah…me too, and there is a lot fo crazy stuff/talk/events going on around us right now…but its time to stop and take a second to make sure you are
…Creating Your Life and not just Reacting in life.
So today I wanna talk about Fear.
1- Are you operating from a Place of Fear? (Scarcity)
-become aware of it
-figure out why
-accept the fear and move on
2- Your Best Life will only come from Abundance. (Solutions)
-what you focus on grows
-what you think about you attract
-your perception shapes your feelings, actions, results
*if you believe it is hopeless it is…you have already lost
-I’m talking about your life, dreams, goals, direction
-you need to break the cycle
3- What are solutions to shift your momentum/focus/thoughts/energy?
Shut out the noise
-social media, email, negative people, failures
Overwhelm yourself with positive
-podcasts, videos, books, positive people (winners)
Repetition of Thoughts
-affirmations, notes, vision boards, mobile screen, fridge
Dream big…quote from earlier
-you can only move forward with confidence with future vision
Take the focus off of YOU and put it on others.
-service, gratitude, contribution, and learning to connect will really help.
KEY POINT- the reason we fear is that we are focused on past behavior or events (and don’t want them to happen again) or we are tuned into negative in the present moment….both of these instances discount the future.
REMEMBER- the past is over.  the future isn’t written
So what will it be?…Are you going to start Creating Your Life or continue to keep living in a Reactive way?
Like Rocky Said…It’s not how many times you get knocked down in life….It’s how many times you get knocked down and GET BACK UP that will define you.
You are not your mistakes.  
You are not your environment.
You are not the sum total of everything happening in your life.
You are (inside…at your core) the Best Version of Yourself that that hasn’t be revealed…It’s time to make that happen.
It is my hope that you will turn challenges into opportunities.
It is my hope that you will turn negative to positive.
It is my goal to help you do that
Thanks for listening today.  Do me a favor and share this podcast with one person today…Let’s make a difference in someone else’s life.
George Wright III
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