Listen to the Episode Here (11:07)
This week we are talking about how you will spend your next few weeks and how it will contribute to your results the year and much more…
Monday we talked about 5 ways in your personal development.
Tuesday we talked about 5 ways to unleash your business.
today I want to talk to you about 5 killer ideas for increasing your level of motivation and inspiration in your life.
Motivation & Inspiration
One of the biggest questions I normally get asked is “how to get more motivation”. These days Motivation seems to come in limited supply because we are dealing with a lot more than normal in our lives. But the truth is that motivation is always limited. This is why it is so important to develop and instill habits in your life. Habits will take over when motivation fails or runs out.
There are a few ways that I have found to increase my motivation level, but I can tell you it takes work and focused effort for sure. Here are a few ideas and activities that can really help you increase your motivation and stay more consistent with it.
Create a Vision Board
list out everything you want, desire, intend to create…stretch yourself
find visual representations of each item…all areas of your life
create a poster board, screen saver, mobile images…everywhere you live and work
look at it all the time. don’t let it become routine.
visualize whenever possible.
Get a Accountability Partner
accountability creates responsibility
find a partner that shares your goals
find a partner with expertise or mentoring background
create a structure to report and hold yourself to milestones
set benchmarks outside your comfort zone
Structure a Tight Schedule
schedule will force activity
make sure you balance productivity and activity
bigs rocks first. then smaller rocks.
concentration. preparation. recovery (CPR)
Find Your “Go To” Tools and Resources
create a book of power
create a motivation playlist
create a inspiration playlist
find pictures of past that motivate you to change
identify the speakers, podcasts or YouTube for YOU
Surround Yourself with Positive People (PP#4)
energy is contagious
people with positive filter on life
people with ambition and drive
people with success background for belief transference
have your core mastermind group you can go to when needed
Overall, I feel that motivation and inspiration levels are the fuel that you need to continually “fill the tank with” on your journey to success. Make it a priority this week to identify a couple key ways you can fill up and re energize your motivation levels. I promise it will come back 10x in your success and prosperity levels. Plus, a bonus is that you will attract similar people into your life that just expands your motivation as well as theirs.
People want to be around Motivated and Inspired People.
Please share this episode with anyone you feel will benefit. AND, send me your feedback @thedailymastermind on Instagram or Facebook. I would love to hear from you.