August 4

17 Wealth Files from T Harv Eker (1 of 4)

Over the coming weeks I’m going to share a collection of lessons I’ve learned from some of my Top Personal Mentors over the last 20 years.  These are people I have personally worked with and people I respect, admire and have helped to create lasting changes in my life.  People like Robert Stuberg, Tony Robbins, Brian Tracy, Les Brown, Dean Graziosi, T Harv Eker, and many many more…
Money is a Result…We need to stop chasing the RESULT and start focusing on what creates the result.
…This is our thinking, our mindset, our actions and feelings.
One of my mentors that taught me a lot about How to Think Like a Millionaire…
…How to Think Success & Abundance.
This has created a way of thinking that has benefitted my business and personal life.
I highly recommend his book SOMM. 
In the second half of his book he takes you through a series of ways that you must shift your mindset in order to create a more “abundant” and “success minded” way of thinking in life.
He covers 17 “Wealth Files” which are ways that Rich & Successful People Think and Act Differently than Poor or MC People.  Now I wanna take a second and explain something
Harv makes a very concerted effort to clarify a few things and I want to do the same.
  1. These principles are not about casting judgement on rich or poor.  
  2. When we talk about rich and poor we are talking about their mentality.
  3. Yes, we are generalizing in these principles so you will “get the point”.
  4. We are using extremes for a reason…rich vs poor…to clarify the mindset.
  5. Some of these principles are related to habits and actions, but remember that actions come from feelings/thoughts.
  6. FINALLY, let go of being “right”.  Your way of thinking has gotten you where you are today…level up.
Rich People think differently about most things in life:  money, wealth, themselves, other people and pretty much everything in their lives…this in return creates, sustains and attracts wealth in every area
So I want to review these 17 Wealth Files and then we can break them down if you’d like in future episodes during the week.  For now, I’d like you to just review them, think about them and even internalize them a bit.  I promise that when you REALLY dig into them you will see that there are much more successful, positive and productive ways to “look at life”…and I think these Principles are a great way to start.
So, Here we go
Wealth File #1
Rich people believe “I create my life.” Poor people believe “Life happens to me.”
Wealth File #2
Rich people play the money game to win.  Poor people play the money game to not lose.
Wealth File #3
Rich people are committed to being rich.  Poor people want to be rich.
Wealth File #4
Rich people think big.  Poor people think small.
Wealth File #5
Rich people focus on opportunities.  Poor people focus on obstacles.
Wealth File #6
Rich people admire other rich and successful people.  Poor people resent rich and successful people.
Wealth File #7
Rich people associate with positive, successful people.  Poor people associate with negative or unsuccessful people.
Wealth File #8
Rich people are willing to promote themselves and their value.  Poor people think negatively about selling and promotion.
Wealth File #9
Rich people are bigger than their problems.  Poor people are smaller than their problems.
Wealth File #10
Rich people are excellent receivers.   Poor people are poor receivers.
Wealth File #11
Rich people choose to get paid based on results.  Poor people choose to get paid based on time.
Wealth File #12
Rich people think “both.”  Poor people think “either/or.”
Wealth File #13
Rich people focus on their net worth.  Poor people focus on their working income.
Wealth File #14
Rich people manage their money well.  Poor people mismanage their money well.
Wealth File #15
Rich people have their money work hard for them.   Poor people work hard for their money.
Wealth File #16
Rich people act in spite of fear.  Poor people let fear stop them.
Wealth File #17
Rich people constantly learn and grow.  Poor people think they already know.
Do me a favor and go back through these Wealth Files and think about, ponder, decide which of them you currently need work with and which ones are like “light bulbs” that have gone off in your mind. I can promise you this…if you really understand and think through these principles you will uncover Amazing benefits, changes and strategies that will help you to change your life and become the BEST VERSION OF YOURSELF.
Now I want to ask you one additional favor.  We are going to dig back into these principles throughout this week, so I’d like you to share this particular podcast with at least one person you feel would benefit form the content.  Then, I’d like you to tag me in the post so I can see who is willing to share, teach and learn these principles.  G3 or daily mastermind
For those of you that share and tag this podcast, I am going to choose a couple of names and give away 5 hardcover copies of the SOMM personally signed by Harv Eker.
Thank you so much for listening and I look forward to talking with you more this week.
George Wright III
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