March 23

11 Ways to Create Focus & Eliminate Distraction

Every single person, company and media outlet is working overtime to capture your attention, and this causes a major amount of distraction for you.  It keeps you from your goals and dreams.
…its no wonder we can’t focus most of the time
…its the reason mindfulness is so important to practice in your daily rituals
So, how do you eliminate distraction and create better focus?
…follow one course until successful
…get more done and greater results (the Prize) had a great article I thought I’d mention and run through their ideas with a few of my own.
11 Ways to Eliminate Distraction
Typical Americans get distracted every 11 minutes
…and it takes 25 minutes to settle into a task (blocking)
Distractions have a huge cost on your productivity and results in your life and business.
If you want better results you better get less distractions.
1-Keep Your Vision and Goals in Mind
Clarity of your vision and “why” creates focus
…it also motivates you to remove distraction
2-Clarify Your Day Before You Start
Start your day with a plan
Schedule your priorities, Identify to others, and be Strategic
3-Reduce the Chaos of Your Day
Chasing too many priorities means that none will get done effectively
Identify your top 3 daily
4-Do Those Tasks as Soon as Possible
Start with the top priorities…Covey calls this the Big Rocks
Work on the difficult things first for several reasons…
…usually they are last and don’t get done
…challenge yourself…Goggins, start with the difficult…growth
5-Focus on the Smallest Part of Your Work at a Time
Easiest way to kill focus is to become overwhelmed with the Big Picture
You become discouraged and distracted with dreaming and ambiguity
Create bite size chunks that lead to a bread crumb trail of results
6-Visualize Yourself Working
Visualization is a very powerful strategy top athletes and producers use
Brendon Burchard talks about setting INTENTION
Michael Jordan, Connor McGregor, and many authors, singers, athletes…
7-Control Your INTERNAL Distractions
Find ways to prepare your mind for work and focus…train your mind
Working from home (for example) is hard if things remind you and distract your mind with other priorities and obligations…or feelings of guilt about what you “should be working on”
Conflicts between the 4 quadrants of tasks can create confusion 
8-Remove EXTERNAL Distractions
You can control many external distractions, so Eliminate them
Mobile phone, social media, television, phone calls, multiple screens
Multi tasking is a distraction you can eliminate (time mastery episode)
9-Skip What You Don’t Know
Sometimes we go down a rabbit hole trying to figure out things we don’t know and this causes distractions and time spend unproductive
Focus on your Unique Talent and the key priorities you are great at
Delete, Delegate or Eliminate the rest
10-Improve Your Discipline with Focus Practice
Focus requires Discipline and this is a trainable skill
2 Great ways to focus:
        1-Meditation and Mindfullness Practice to train your mind
        2-Pomodoro Method asks you to set a timer on tasks.
Remember, time expands to the amount you give it
11-Manage Your Momentum
Momentum is a key ingredient to staying “on path” and “on task”
Consistency, Discipline and Progress create momentum
Bottom Line…Distraction is a Key and Ever Present Enemy to Results
Check out the full article and other great resources here…
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